Products & Services

IT Assets Mangement Solution

Features Only Available in QAW

Compelling Powered Security Policy ・Simple quarantine feature (SecurePolicyManagerVer.3.5)
System Usage State ・Concept of software usage state
・Real time inventory
Strict License Management ・License management by copied IDs
System Usage Restriction ・Software startup control
・Installation control

Common Features in QND and QAW

Acquire Inventory Information ・Hardware information
・Software information (application addition and removal information)
・Manually entered data
・Specific information from plug-ins or other programs
・OS, IE, IIS information
・Registry/ini files information
・SNMP information
・Linux/UNIX/Macintosh information
Client PC Configuration Maintenance Management ・Prohibit users from changing PC configuration by policy
・Remotely change registry/ini files
・Add or create account information remotely (task regarding user accounts)
・Patch management which can be done from software synopsis view
A Convenient Feature which can Avoid Risks ・License management feature (application database setting)
・Risk of unknown PCs, theft, and losses
・Messaging by electronic stamp on client desktop
・Mail message
・Security alert
Execute Tasks Customized for Various Environments ・Execute simple tasks (pull method) without any resident program
・Remotely force execute optional tasks (Push method)
・Execute stand alone PC tasks
・Execute tasks on mobile PCs (background tasks)
・By using a network connection detection feature, execute tasks when PC is connected to the network
Expandability ・Auto-install and auto-execution for optional products
・Integration with other products
Intel RvProTMTechnology Supported ・Intel RvProTMTechnology Supported
Management Ledger Creation to Check PCs Periodically ・Using QIV (Quality Information Viewer) to create client information ledger
Remote Control ・Help desk option using remote control (RC option)
・Feature with client PC information display
Easy Automatic Installation by Remote ・Execute by automatic install schedule
・A feature which allows Windows NT admins to switch to an account with administrative rights (SwitchUser)
・Automatic install that can be placed in WAN environment
・Software uninstall option
Decrease Resource Hog

・Distribute resource load by distributed servers
・Client information differential transfer

・Automatic load distribution schedule feature

・Client transient module

Assists Daily Maintenance

・Automatically re-execute tasks according to results
・Assigns PCs from software synopsis view

・Filtering and grouping client PCs

Other Features ・Intel Mac supported
・Lease PC management
Console/Clients Supported with Multiple Languages ・Multiple languages OS supported (Japanese, English, and Chinese)
Green IT ・Green IT plug-in QPM Ver. 1.0

Click here for a free demonstration

For more information about Quality's QAW, go to Quality Corporation QAW.



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